Government Subsidies
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Administrative Measures of Chaoyang District for Energy Conservation Development Guide Fund

2018-10-09 11:18  

Policy name  

Administrative Measures of Chaoyang District for Energy Conservation Development Guide Fund  

Issued by  

The People's Government of Chaoyang District  

File No. / date  


Scope of application  

Units and enterprises registered and paying tax in Chaoyang District, conducting energy-saving projects within the administrative areas thereof and having independent legal person qualification. Support range of the special fund:
1. Energy-saving pilot and demonstration projects;
2. Energy saving technology transformation projects of key energy-using units;
3. Energy-saving products and technology application and promotion projects;
4. Energy monitoring projects;
5. Energy audit and clean production consulting projects;
6. New energy and renewable energy development and utilization and promotion projects;
7. Contract energy management projects;
8. Energy-saving consulting services and publicity training projects;
9. Energy-saving incentives;
10. Other energy-saving and reducing expenditures approved by the district government.  

Support manner  

Financial aid and direct reward.  

Support amount  

(1) Fiscal subsidy standards
1. The pilot and demonstration projects in the field of energy conservation included in special funds support range, a subsidy of no less than 30% of the total project investment will be given and the key demonstration projects determined by the government of the district are not subject to this restriction;
2. For the energy saving and technology renovation projects, and the application and promotion projects of energy saving products and technology of key energy-using units which have saved more than 100 TCE (ton of standard coal equivalent), a subsidy of RMB200 will be given for every 1 TCE saved based on the actual energy saving;
3. For the energy auditing projects of key energy-using units, a maximum subsidy of RMB0.15 million will be given for each project; for clean production consulting project, a subsidy, 100% of the difference between the project consulting fees and the support funds will be given;
4. For the newly established new energy (solar energy, geothermal energy, wind energy, biomass energy, etc.) and renewable energy projects which have produced more than 100 TCE every year, a subsidy of RMB100 will be given for every 1 TCE produced based on the actual production;
5. For the construction projects the heating and cooling system of which applies ground-sourced heat pump and reclaimed water heat pump, a subsidy, RMB 25 per square meter will be given;
6. For projects using LED efficient lighting products (more than 2000), finance allowance 30% of the total investment in LED project will be given;
7. RMB 1 million for secondary energy monitoring measuring will be given per year.
(2) Direct reward standard
1. For the key energy-using units that have completed the annual energy saving index, RMB 30,000 to RMB 50,000 energy-saving incentive will be given;
2. For the units that have been included into pilot of the circular economy of the state and Beijing, a lump-sum reward RMB 0.5 million and 0.3 million will be given;
3. For the energy service companies using contract energy management method to conduct energy saving technical services, if they undertake contract energy projects of key energy-using units with comprehensive energy consumption of more than 2000, which reach the national and municipal support standards, when they apply for national and municipal awards at the same time, RMB 100 supporting reward will be given out of the special funds for each TCE based on actual energy saving. If the projects do not reach the national and municipal reward standard, but they have saved energy of more than 50 TCE per year and the industrial enterprises save more than 100 TCE every year and been invested by energy conservation companies for 70% or above with the energy-saving benefit sharing method agreed in the contract, RMB 200 reward will be given for each TCE based on actual energy saving.  

Attachment: Administrative Measures of Chaoyang District for Energy Conservation Development Guide Fund